Mood Enhancing Herbal Tea

Mood Enhancing Herbal Tea
$35.00 + shipping1 review
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Mood Enhancer (anti-depression) Tea Info
- St John’s Wort
- Rhodiola Flower
- Kava Kava
- Ashwagandha
- Lemon Balm
- Skullcap
- Passion Flower
- Licorice Root
- Sting Nettle
Known usage
St John’s Wort
Researchers believe that St. John’s wort obtains its healing and antidepressant qualities from two organic compounds that naturally occur within the plant. These compounds, hypericin and hyperforin, act as neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitors in the brain to lessen a condition’s negative symptoms.
Hypericin and hyperforin are believed to help increase levels of the following neurochemicals in the brain:
- Serotonin: A brain chemical that helps stabilize mood, sleep, and reduce depression
- Dopamine: A brain chemical linked to mood, motivation, movement, and pleasure
- Norepinephrine: A brain chemical linked to focus, energy, and alertness
- GABA: A brain chemical that helps regulate the nervous system and reduce anxiety
May take 2 weeks to to full take effect where Big Pharma drugs usually take 4 weeks
Rhodiola Flower
The main benefits of Rhodiola are associated with its adaptogenic properties and include reduced stress and fatigue, as well as increased mental performance, particularly under stressful conditions. Rhodiola has an extensive track record for efficacy, with medicinal use dating back centuries, when it was used to promote healing, stress relief, and increased sense of wellbeing.
Kava Kava
Drinking kava offers many benefits. Kava Kava can relax the mind and body and induce a sense of calm and euphoria, making it ideal to use for social relaxation. It can also be used to reduce stress, those everyday normal feelings of anxiousness when facing challenging life events, as well as to relieve muscle tension or to help when getting to sleep or staying asleep is difficult. There are many reasons to drink kava; here are a few of the reasons why people say they drink kava:
- To have an alternative to alcohol for social relaxation
- To alleviate stress and keep calm
- To lower anxiety, worries, and fears
- To lift their mood
- To increase sociability
- To use as a natural sleep aid
Ashwagandha is best known for its anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and stress-relieving effects. It also seems to reduce cortisol levels. In addition, a growing body of evidence supports the efficacy of ashwagandha for improving total sleep time and sleep quality in people with and without insomnia.
Lemon Balm
An article published in 2016, also looked closely at the compounds that make up lemon balm and concluded that it contains GABA stimulating receptors. A third study showed that the presence of rosmarinic acid in lemon balm is responsible for helping reduce symptoms of anxiety. Overall, these research studies show that lemon balm may be used as a safe and effective source in treating anxiety. If you are on prescription medications for anxiety, do not stop taking it unless told to do so by your physician. Do not combine lemon balm oil with anxiety medications without first consulting your doctor.
One of the biggest benefits of American skullcap is its ability to calm stress and soothe anxious feelings. It’s known by herbalists as a nervine, which means an herb used to calm nerves and anxiety. Other familiar nervines include hops, and valerian.
Normally, nervines often have a side effect of drowsiness, but skullcap has a unique ability to calm your mind and body without inducing sleepiness.
Clinical research indicates that this calming effect likely happens because compounds in skullcap stimulate gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is a neurotransmitter that calms nerves and is believed to be key for treating anxiety.
One small study confirmed that skullcap can indeed have a significant positive impact on mood without decreasing energy levels.
Passion Flower
This beautiful flower is native to the Americas where it has been used for centuries to heal bruises and cuts. Modern day herbalists recommend it as a powerful nervine tonic to treat stress, anxiety and to help the mind prepare for a restful night’s sleep.
It has also been used traditionally to provide relief to women who are experiencing menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and is especially adept at dealing with insomnia related to this change in a woman’s life.
Licorice Root
Licorice is also a key player in adrenal health, helping to support healthy energy levels throughout the day. One factor in what’s commonly called adrenal fatigue are your body’s levels of cortisol and cortisone. Your body naturally produces cortisol in the morning and in some people experiencing issues it quickly begins converting it to cortisone, causing a sharp drop. We commonly think of cortisol as the “stress hormone”, but if your body converts all your cortisol too quickly, you can actually have trouble regulating crucial functions like metabolism, inflammation and energy.
Licorice partially inhibits the enzyme 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, slowing this conversion so that your cortisol levels can stick around just a little longer to help boost fatigued energy levels.
Sting Nettle
The nettle plant is a wonderful mineral accumulator and taken on a regular basis as a tonic provides optimum nourishment. Nettle leaves & stalks are high in calcium, magnesium, trace minerals, chlorophyll, chromium, cobalt, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, sulphur, niacin, protein, manganese, selenium, vitamin C complex, vitamin D & K, B complexes, riboflavin and carotenes. Dried nettle leaves made into a nourishing herbal infusion are the number one thing that I encourage every person to do to improve their overall health.
August 18, 2024This tea is AMAZING! Both myself and others have noticed a significant mood-lifting effect. Take enough and you get a high that’s all-natural, healthy, non-impairing, and not addictive. Great stuff!