The Hidden Treasure of the Dead Sea Scrolls

$30.00 + shipping
SKU: TUC-THTO-20240130-s Category:
The Hidden Treasure of the Dead Sea Scrolls
$30.00 + shipping

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The year 2020 was a year of 20/20 vision for our family. We always understood the evil in the world, but never knew how it had affected modern Christianity and the history of the Bible. We prayed for The Lord to bring us understanding and to fill us with HIS truth. A few months after consistently praying for wisdom, truth, and discernment, we heard about the Dad Sea Scrolls, apocryphal books, and extra Biblical texts from a friend at Bible Study. (We started with the Books of Enoch and our minds were BLOWN!)
The more truth we discovered, the more our eyes were opened! We soon realized how difficult it was to find truthful children’s books to read to our kinds. As we continued praying about what we were learning, we felt Yahuah place the though in our minds “you can write you own children’s books”. So that’s what we decided to do!
James and Kaylee Wilson