The Witness of the Stars

$10.00$40.00 + shipping
SKU: TUC-TWOT-20231211-v Category:
The Witness of the Stars
$10.00$40.00 + shipping

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eBook, Paperback, Hardcover, Paperback & eBook, Hardcover & eBook

The Witness of the Stars
$10.00$40.00 + shipping

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E.W. Bullinger wrote several major works in his day, including A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament, which is still cited by scholars and theologians alike, but very few seem to realize that he was a subscriber to The Earth Not a Globe Review and a longtime Zetetic Astronomer. In modern terms, Bullinger advocated a flat earth. The Witness of the Stars presents yet another layer to his Zetetic research, putting a particular focus upon the zodiac. As the title suggests, the firmament has a story to tell. This edition was loving restored back to the look of the original 1893 publication.